
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Eat one potato daily and Run away from doctors!

Ubqari Magazine - March 2014

Patients of liver or kidney stones should use more potato and also drink 4-5liter water daily. Doing so, the stones will dissolve and pass away. Eating fried and peeled potatoes with salt and pepper soothes body pains.

If you ignore potatoes, it’s your mistake because it is a very healthy diet which is comparatively less expensive and can be chewed and digested easily. Potatoes should be bought fresh, never go for withered and stale potatoes. If potatoes turn green, separate the greenish part as it is the effect of light and it tastes bitter. That’s why potatoes should be stored in dark and dry place where the temperature is 50 degree foreign height. Sprouts grow on potatoes due to heat and moisture. People use potatoes by cooking, boiling and frying in the form of curry, chips, kebabs etc…..

There are different kinds of potatoes but Red balls and White golden potatoes are the best of all kinds. It’s tasteless and daily allowed intake is one quarter of a kg. Potatoes contain minerals, fats, protein and vitamin H, C, E, P and D in abundance. There are many different vitamins in potatoes. Potato is cold and dry in nature.

Following are the benefits of potatoes:

  • It produces and thickens the reproductive substance.
  • Potato is full of nutrition; it can be boiled to be used as food.
  • Potato gives strength to the body and removes weakness.
  • Applying potato pulp on burn wound or by simply placing row potato on the wound, helps avoid blisters and gives quick relief.
  • Patients of liver or kidney stones should use more potato and also drink 5kg water daily. Doing so, the stones will dissolve and pass away.
  • Eating fried and peeled potatoes with salt and pepper soothes body pains.
  • In potato Iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are found in significant quantity. It is very good for children’s growth.

Potato should be used with spices and try to eat fresh potato because stored potato loses its original taste. Gout and rheumatic patients should not use potato at all while diabetic and heart patients should also be careful.

Some disadvantages of potato:

  • Potato digests slowly so, the people with weak stomach should minimize the use of potato as it may cause gastric troubles.
  • Eating potato stimulates the melancholic substance that’s why it is not recommended to eat it in abundance.
  • It causes mucus and rheumatism.
  • One should not eat more than 250 gram potatoes a day.

Apart from this, cooking unpeeled potatoes results in less vitamin loss. Unpeeled cooked potatoes are laxative.

How to store potatoes:

The farmers, who want to store the potato for long, know that storing it in cool and dark places with fresh air helps preserve it for many months. If potato is kept in the refrigerator and the temperature is less than 40 degree, its starch will convert into sugar and the potato will become sweet. The potato can be fried, roasted, cooked as curry and with rice. It is a universal diet that can be used every time. Potato should be washed only at the time of cooking otherwise it starts getting spoiled.


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